Experience has taught us that divorce/separation is a complex journey, often made more so by the conflicting advice given to us by friends and family. Parents need different types of professional support depending on where they are in their journey and the issues they are dealing with.


A Neutral Space is a unique service delivered by OnlyMums & Dads. We have brought together a team of experienced specialists from a range of backgrounds. We will work together to support you to get clarity on your situation and give you the confidence to move forward. The fee of £135 includes both sessions and a free copy of ‘101 Questions Answered About Parents Separating With Children’.

“We want you to be assured that the team we have pulled together will go out of their way to try and help you.”

Rebecca Giraud

Director, OnlyMums

Is A Neutral Space For Me? Are you…


  • thinking of separating and unsure where to turn first?

  • in the middle of a divorce/separation and feeling stuck and overwhelmed?

  • represented by a professional but feeling you want to put the break on to reassess where you are?

What will I get?

– An opportunity for you to talk about your situation in confidence; to share your concerns.

– Support in identifying key issues and the confidence to move forward.

– A summary of suggested next steps with relevant links to suggested resources/organisations.


“We know the neutral space works. The key is that the neutral space team have years of experience and can help with solutions beyond a legal one".

Bob Greig

Director, OnlyDads


Our 3 step process

Step 1

Initial Conversation

A conversation with one of the OnlyMums & Dads separation team to hear your story and address any immediate concerns.

Step 2

Follow Up Chat

A follow-up, in-depth, 45 minute meeting with one of the Neutral Space specialists.

Step 3

Notes & Guidance

Follow up guidance notes, with links further resources and suggested action points.

Meet the team


Director, Onlymums


Director, Onlydads




Relationship Therapist


Divorce Coach


Divorce Consultant

Free book: ‘101 Questions Answered’

On completion of your booking you will receive a free copy of the ‘101 Questions Answered About Separating With Children’ (Bath Publishing, 2nd edition).

Book your space

1. Fill out the form
2. You will be sent an email with how to pay
3. We will be in touch to arrange the first session

Book your space